"No Christ - No Christmas"

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"No Christ - No Christmas" 12.19.2021  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  29:31
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That's good. Let me try this one for you guys today.

Dreaming of a white Christmas just like the ones I Used to Know. Mando Treetops, ugliest transmission.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.

Where are all the parts cuz we'd be married.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.


I'm made of crystals real life. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas that used to know just like the ones I used.

Read a tree.

Lindsey Graham.

May your days. Be merry and bright.

All your Christmases, be white.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas just like the ones I Used to Know.

Merry Christmas.

Thank you and more Glory.

Red Lobster. Jesus other than Deacon is Lauren Harris with another solo. Praise God. Hallelujah.

A blessing to us all. Amen, amen.

O, Holy Night.

Oh, Holy Night. The stars are brightly shining.

Long, lay the world in Anderson.

All three of the wee. Wee world.

Oh no, no, no.

03, all New England.


When Christ was born.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. I was glad when they said unto me. Let us go into the house of the Lord. Hallelujah. This Christmas season. There's no better place to be done in the presence of the Lord with all the saints in one Accord. Hallelujah.

If you don't mind, I'll ask you to send to your feet at the man of God come forth with the spoken word this morning if you can. But I don't if you don't you you can sit down. You are praising the Lord, but I appreciate it. Thank you. Jesus. Hallelujah.

Because I listen and hear what just said the Lord this morning. If you don't know him, I introduce to you faster Steven birth. And if you know him I present to you Pastor, Stephen. Bohr that supports congregation congregation Cracker Barrel.

Praise the Lord. And Merry Christmas to all. Praise the Lord is so good to see you all here. Today. We had a beautiful time and worship today. She's an old or not. Only the season Lorde, but what it represents. Oh, Lord, the birth of the Christ child. Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Thank you for our Salvation. Thank you for bringing the Savior into the midst. Oh, Lord. To live among us hear. Oh, Lord. On this Earth that has a human man. Oh Lord. Yes, to give up his life for us. So Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for the international Lord. Thank you for everyone, individually and collectively. Oh Lord. Thank you for the ones who are not here today. Oh, Lord Prayer for Lee. They with you, in spirit. Thank you for my wife, older lady be in. Thank you, the for everything. You've given me especially this task of being the leader of New Life Christian Church. Oh Lord, let this be a blessing to your In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah, praise the Lord.

What a good day. It is every day that we are in the presence of the Lord. Hallelujah.

The Tide is another Christmas message for you. I be like, I warned Pastor idell. We're coming at you with another Christmas message. Praise the Lord.

The time of my message today is no Christ. No Christmas, praise the Lords superintendent. Lee Natalie read partial to my scripture, but I'm just going to read. Luke 19 verse 9 to you, and Jesus said to them. Today, salvation has come into this house since he is also the son of Abraham where the son of man came to seek. And to save the Lost.

Amen. It was the time of year that our world, our world. Now. Everybody is focused. What do they want to believe it or not is focused. On the birth of Christ. They may reject them. They may want to ignore them. They may want to just put it off to the side.

But they can't get around with the Christians and the world is celebrating. Praise the Lord. He came as a baby, but he was a son of God.

He looked and he acted like a normal child. But he was the son of man. He got his human body in the genes of his mother Mary.

Luke 19:10 sums it up the entire Christmas Story in one sentence for the son of man came to save seek and save the Lost.

I don't know how much you weigh.

Let's say he was 7 lb of pure salvation. He was a 7lb messiah. Not the biggest baby in the world. 22, the biggest of Simon any human being on this Earth? Ever had.

He has a responsibility to redeem me. He has a responsibility to redeem you. He has a responsibility.

To purchase our salvation.

Hallelujah, with his own life.

You know, what's so hard for us as humans.

Nation of God, we can't grasp the whole meaning of it. We've never seen anything like this before. God has never done anything like this before. God Almighty mixes Divine spirit. And it's Human Nature. The sacrifice, our sins. Any ultimately paid the price. Thanks without Jesus Christ. There would be no Christmas.

This time of year would be just like any other year and for the secular world. It would be just another month. Just another day on the calendar, there would be no special Christmas service. There be no lights on a house. No wrap presents. No manger to setup mode without rice. There would be no eggnog and no Carolyn house to house without rice, December 25th would be just like March 15th or August 23rd.

Nothing special to most people unless it was your birthday. Now, we realize that Jesus was probably not born on December 25th. It was more likely in fall. But December 25th is a special day for us. It's a special day in our hearts because we remember that he was born for our sake. He was born for our Salvation. He came to seek, and he came to save the Lost.

You see it's written in Acts. 4:12. Neither. Is there salvation in any other for there is none. Other name under Heaven, given among men whereby we must be saved. Without rice there, be no Acts 4:12.

if God had not, Since Jesus Christ, down for our salvation. You see without Christ. We just be born to live a little while and die. They would all be over possibly. No internity. No, hope, no mentions in glory. No returning Rewards. But because of Jesus Christ, we have a chance to be saved.

We have an opportunity. To spend eternity with him. Do the song hark. The Angels Hark, the Herald Angels Sing would never have been written without Christ. O, Little Town of Bethlehem.

The First Noel. Would be meaningless songs. O Come All Ye Faithful in Joy to the World. Wouldn't make any sense. Now, what it, how can we sing about Away in a Manger? If there was no baby board.

Silent night. And when we all get to heaven,

Would have never been written without Jesus Christ, being born. William Trace, we have no salvation without Trace. We have no hope of glory without Christ. We would have no reason to celebrate.

Just think. Take the name Jesus out of the Bible. What would you have left? History book. Some nice stories. Words of encouragement.

Just like any other novel. God. In the Flesh has come into the world as a babe. He came as a babe in the manger.

For our salvation.

And that would makes the Bible. A book like none other book. The word watches me when I hear it, read it. The word gives me strength and direction. The word tells me how to overcome sin. And how to be saved. But without Jesus, I couldn't do that. Without Jesus, nothing would really be worthwhile.

Saints. It's getting our attention now lay leaves in it. It's been a systematic way of the world. To remove Christ. Out of our vocabulary in years past. And then this year, They made a stop training schools a while ago. In the Indiana state house. You can pray, which you can mention Jesus. You be playing generic prayers to a generic God.

And I tell you. When you praying, you're talking to someone.

A Jesus.

Or you aren't praying to anybody. You just talkin to the winds. You see the world wants us to say, happy holidays.

I have no problem saying Merry Christmas.

Interview says I'm Jewish. I say happy Hanukkah to you. There's a way as Christians can be polite and respectful and not put a wick in this upon us.

Always teaching about.

Condemnation. Let's talk about love. We know what the results are.

Learn. You see the world advertisers, get your holiday trees, get your holiday life. When we need to say, get your Christmas trees and your Christmas lights, don't be the week. So let's Jesus teaches us.

They want to remove Jesus Christ out of our hearts. They want to remove Jesus Christ out of our minds and make this time of year, like any other time of the year. 3 word. Christian mean to be christ-like. And without Christ, it would be no Christians. We would all just be sinners. A man.

All rights to the Church of Ephesus Ephesus and he described his way to be like without Christ.

In which you once walked? Following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.

Among whom we've all once lived. In the passions of our flesh.

I think I can get an amen out of that one. Carrying out the desires of our bodies. And our minds were nature children of Wrath. Yes. We are.

Like the rest of mankind, but God being rich in his Mercy because of his great love for which he loved it.

Inverse 12. It says remember that you are are at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the Commonwealth to the covenants of the promise. Having no hope and without God. In the world. What? Because God did Cam? It was born as a man on this Earth. We cannot reverse turkey, Fortune 19th, but now it's like Jesus. You were once power off from have been brought near by the blood of Christ for he himself is our peace who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh. The dividing wall of hostility.

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens. But you are fellow citizens. With the Saints in a, remember and members of the household of God. You see, without Jesus. We just live in houses Jesus. We are part of the household.

What a difference Jesus can make. You see without Christ. There is no salvation without Christ. There is no hope of glory without Christ. There is no peace. No joy in Orange icing. A man without Christ. There is no celebration without Christ. There is no healing without trust. There is no Deliverance. Those songs. No worship. No godliness. Without rice. No water. Baptized baptisms and no, Holy Ghost and feelings. But with Christ, we have it all.

Why would be baptized? Why would we baptize people if we weren't doing it in the name of Jesus Christ?

I would have to say how I baptize you in the name of

what sense would that make?

See, the world wants to remove Christ out of Christmas.

because they're living in darkness and an evil, and they feel The condemnation? Everytime they think of Jesus. I want a peach, a little something today. Why doesn't the devil want you to think about? Jesus? Why doesn't the devil want to talk to you about the Jesus?

Why doesn't the devil want us to worship Him?

You see the Scriptures? It is say the Angels sang at the birth of Jesus.

No time during Christ Ministry on Earth. That's a record. The angels singing.

DC trip. I want to get as your two times that they say one sec creation. And once in heaven with a redeem saints. Come God. Look it up. Jokes Revolution, Revelation 5. You see the first time they saying you see, Lucifer was in heaven. Leading the Angels choir.

But Lucifer rebelled. And was kicked out of heaven. Send the Angels didn't have a choir director. You see the Bible never record them ever seen again, until the redeemed are called home to the glory and the New Jerusalem. Come on now. You should call me still singing up to us. These Psalms 100, Make a Joyful Noise unto the choir call. He'll answer the Lord with gladness. Come before his presence 27. I will see I will sing unto the Lord. Hitman 47. Sing praises to God. Sing praises, team, praises to our king sing praises.

Psalms 104. The Lord, as long as I live. I will sing praises to my God.

Man. Psalms 40. He brought me up. Also, out of the horrible pit out of the Miry clay and set my feet, upon the solid rock song in my mouth.

Praise unto our God. You see since the fall of Lucifer, every play Survival records worship and has to do with our Redemption. Every place, the vinyl record you worship, Jesus saving our soul.

You see the devil, trenches every time where you worship the devil cringes, every time we mention the name, Jesus Christ.

Because we're supposed to see entities.

We have become the worship leaders. Move over brother. Chris. You got old shirts sitting with you.

Praise the Lord. You see, we've been promised homes in glory.

We have become the ones. You have to lift up the Lord.

The entire story of Christmas is the story of the beginning story of the Redemption of us.

Oh, that Christ.

You see, the Angels didn't sing at the first coming of Jesus Christ. What day will sing at the second coming of Christ? You see until we get to heaven and leave the choir. All the angels can do is talk about it.

Exercise our right now, they wish they could receive everything, like you do. They wish they could be redeemed. Like me, they wish they could be filled. What's God's presence? Like we have?

I close with this. With Christ. We have it all, but without him.

We have nothing.

Who knows the song? We've got the victory. Hallelujah? We got the victory, Hallelujah. We got we got the victory. Hallelujah. We got the victory. Hallelujah. Thank you. Jesus.


We got the victory.

We have to beat Call of Duty. We got the victory.

We got no Victory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

59 npt, every knee shall bow. God bless you all.

A picture of the world.

Sit on your feet.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Yes, indeed. We have the

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